"You Are a Reflection of Christ to Others"


There is an urgency like never before to truly have God’s character…to be His reflection to others, and to show His love extended through you to others.  You never know how someone may be hurting, or what they may be going through.  Your reflection of God’s light could be exactly what’s needed to overcome a great loneliness or stress someone may be feeling, or a battle they are walking through.   

Today..this very moment someone needs to know that they matter, that someone cares, that they count and they are loved.  Extend to them what you claim to be, a Christian, representing Christ.  Ask yourself, WWJD?  What would Jesus do for others?  We know that Jesus would extend love and compassion.  He would leave the 99 to go find the 1.  People matter to Jesus, and they should matter to us.  Truly be His light to others.  Your actions speak so much louder than your words.  

If you were put on trial today for being a true Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?  Are you being a true disciple of Christ?  Or would false evidence be found?  Are we truly being real or are we fake imitations of what we claim to be?  Jesus said, “By their fruit you will recognize them.” (Matthew 7:16 NIV)  People need to see the God in us.  Let us all take time and truly examine ourselves.  

Prayer:  Lord, I submit myself to You.  Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. (Psalm 139:23 NIV)  Change and transform me.  I yield to the Potter’s wheel, so You can mold and make me into what You would truly have me to be.  In Your Son’s Name.  Amen 


“ #Shakeitoff! “


Regardless of What He Says-She Says, Listen, Hear, and Obey the Voice of God