Upcoming Events

Join us, Easter Sunday, April 20th at 10AM, as we witness the most profound moment in human history through the eyes of four witnesses: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  Each gospel writer brings a unique perspective, which is a testament to the power of God's love and the triumph of life over death.  As darkness gives way to light, as despair transforms into hope, we invite you to experience the extraordinary events of Christ's Death, Burial and Resurrection:  Four Voices, One Savior.

Men, join us for breakfastand the challenge to be intentional about your spiritual legacy.   

Join us for lunch, great fellowship, and low-impact, home exercises to stay healthy and fit at any age!  

Girls' ministry (formerly Missionettes or Impact Girls) and boys’ ministry, Royal Rangers, are back!! Please sign up to volunteer for these life-changing children’s programs!

Church Christmas Party!

Church Christmas Party!

Bethel Family, save the date for our church-wide Christmas Party on Wednesday, December 20, at 7pm in the Goodwin Life Center Atrium. There is no cost, but registration is required

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to Nov 4

Beautiful Women's Weekend

Calling all Beautiful Women! It’s time for Beautiful Women’s Weekend and Pastor Lori and her crew have planned something very special for you. On Friday, November 3, the weekend will kick off with the first ever Beauty Night Sleepover! Yes, you heard right, Friday night is a Beauty Night Sleepover, so get your sleeping bags, air mattresses, and fabulous or comfy public appropriate PJs!. Then on Saturday morning, you’ll have breakfast together, and beautiful worship together on Sunday for Beautiful Women’s Day. Pastor Lori guarantees that this weekend will be so much fun with good laughs, good conversation, and of course, good food.

Registration is only $25 per person.

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Youth and Young Adult BBQ

Youth and Young Adult BBQ

Illumination youth and the Collective young adults will gather after service Sunday, July 30 at 2 pm for a Backyard BBQ Party. There will be music, games, and so much more. Registration is required by Tuesday, July 25

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Hot Dog and Movie Night

Hot Dog and Movie Night

Ticket sales are now open for our Movie Night Saturday, July 8, at 6 pm in the Goodwin Life Center for a showing of the movie Jesus Revolution. Tickets ($15 for age 13 and up and $8 for ages up to 12) include the movie, a hot dog, chips, cookie, popcorn, and drink. A concession stand will also be available to purchase additional goodies. All proceeds benefit our senior adult ministry and illumination youth ministry.

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Vacation Bible School
to Jun 30

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is almost here and we’re looking forward to ministering to your children age 3 through grade 5, from Monday June 26, to Friday June 30, 7 pm-8:30 pm in the Children’s Center. Registration is required. Registration ends June 21.

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Bethel Marriage Ministry: Connection+ Workshops

Bethel Marriage Ministry: Connection+ Workshops

Open to married and engaged couples, this workshop is designed to build and improve your marriage relationship in the areas of communication, health and healing, sex and intimacy.

Children age one month to 11 years have a separate and special program just for them during this event. Cost is $20 per couple.

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“A Beautiful Day” - Beautiful Women Ministry Spring Gathering

“A Beautiful Day” - Beautiful Women Ministry Spring Gathering

All beautiful women (young and seasoned) are invited to experience A Beautiful Day on Saturday, April 22 from 8am-12pm in the Goodwin Life Center. This gathering will start with a very intimate question, “Hey Beautiful, How Are You Feeling?” To provide inspiration for the answer, four powerful panelists will lead and incite conversation that speak to spiritual, physical, emotional, and social wellbeing. Gathering cost is $15 and includes continental breakfast.

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Senior Adult Ministry Fellowship!

Senior Adult Ministry Fellowship!

Our senior adult ministry, ages 60 and up, is ending the isolation many of them have experienced by relaunching their monthly gatherings in the Goodwin Life Center hospitality room with light refreshments, worship, games, and more. This gathering is free, but sign-up is required.

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Men, Lead Children’s Church
to Nov 6

Men, Lead Children’s Church

Our children’s ministry is looking for a few godly men to lead children's church on Sunday, November 6, so our women who volunteer every Sunday can attend this Ablaze Gathering Sunday service. Everything you need -- lessons, games, and snacks will be ready for you. Just show up and lead our children and bless our women!

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Poets in Autumn Tour

Poets in Autumn Tour

Poets In Autumn is the premiere poetry tour in the world and the largest poetry event in the U.S. Using the art of spoken word, The PIA Tour inspires and empowers attendees with riveting punch lines and production that makes the show come to life.

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