"We Could Never Repay God, But That Shouldn’t Stop Us From Trying!”


In Psalm 116:12, the writer asks the question, “What can I ever give back to God to repay him for the blessings he’s poured out on me?” (Psalm 116:12 TPT)  I believe this was a rhetorical question, meaning “a question to which no answer is expected.”  Honestly, what do we give someone who has everything and who is the very source of everything we have?  Anything we could possibly give to God is really his anyway! 


The psalmist had already made a list of things God had done for him at the beginning of the psalm.


God heard his prayers and answered them.

God preserved him.

God helped him.

God restored him.

God rescued him.

God strengthened him.


This isn’t only the psalmist’s testimony; it’s our testimony, too.  How could we ever repay God?  The short answer is, we can’t.  However, there is something we can do. 


We can accept His gifts.

We can call on His name.

We can live devoted lives.

We can offer thanksgiving and praise for all He has done.


We will never be able to repay the Lord with anything of valuable proportion to what we have received from him.  But we can receive each gift he gives with thanksgiving and gratitude.  We can live our lives for Him.


Prayer:  Father, you are so good to your children.  You lavish us with spiritual gifts that we don’t deserve, yet because you love us, you give to us freely.  Please help us to receive your gifts with thanksgiving, and help us live our lives for you.  In Jesus’s Precious Name. Amen


"Stop Seeking People’s Permission To Be You!”


"You Are Worthy, Beautiful, and a Blessing”