"You Are Worthy, Beautiful, and a Blessing”


True story.


A few months ago, I was intently working on something (for the life of me, I can’t remember what), when a text popped up on my phone.  I took a few minutes to finish what I was working on, then I turned my attention to the text.  It was from a dear friend, and it began like this, “Sweet sister.  I want you to know, you are worthy, beautiful and a blessing.”


Naturally, her kind words warmed my heart, but what she wrote next stunned me.  She went on to write, “There are people in your life you may expect or want to acknowledge, exhort, encourage, speak well and build you up.  Well, let me share some reasons why they have not done so, and hopefully this will bring a resolve to your heart and clarity.


1.      They think you have it all together.

2.      They don’t think what they have to say is good enough.

3.      They are consumed with their own situation.

4.      They honestly never thought it was important.


Wow!  Her words stopped me in my tracks.  I had never thought about this from her perspective, but I learned a valuable lesson from her words.  What I learned is this:


1.      We all want validation; however, when we don’t receive it, it doesn’t mean someone is hating on you or is jealous of you.  Sometimes, they just don’t know how.

2.      Freely give what you want to receive. Your kind words matter and will make a difference.

3.      No kind word is insignificant.  Say them often—to yourself and to others.


My dear friend went on to validate me with powerful words (maybe I’ll share that another time).  However, what I want to leave with you today are the words my friend shared with me:  You are worthy.  You are beautiful.  You are a blessing


Challenge:  Validate someone today with kind words.


"We Could Never Repay God, But That Shouldn’t Stop Us From Trying!”


"Gratitude is a Matter of the Heart”