"God Is Love”


His love is not like our love—it is matchless, nothing can compare. 


His love is unconditional.  Despite our faults, nothing we do changes the way He loves us.  


His love draws out fear and does not punish us—because of this, we can trust Him.  


His love is consistent, like night and day—nothing in this world can separate us. 


His love is beautiful, bringing life to every living thing—filled with compassion and grace for all.  


His love is like a shield, protecting us from all harm—may the sweet feeling of comfort rest in us.  


His love is powerful, piercing through every evil thing—for the darkness cannot overcome light.  


His love is far beyond our own understanding—our finite minds cannot comprehend. 


His love is trustworthy, more than the chair you sit in—when has He ever failed you? 


His love is deep as the ocean, filling our hearts with joy.  He delights in us as a father delights in his child.  


His love is sacrificial, for he bought us with a high price; and now we have eternal life and power over sin! 


His love is everlasting, having no beginning or end—reaching far beyond the east and the west. 


His love is transformational, changing us for the better—just as a caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly.  


His love is underserving, we can do nothing to earn it—it is free, like a gift so receive it and rejoice. 


His love corrects us so that we may mature and grow—just as a child needs teaching, so do we.   


His love is contagious, drawing people to know Christ—He dwells within us so we must share this love.  


HIs love is like no other, I praise Him for it—now we can love because of His love.  





"Keep Hope Alive”