"Sometimes It’s Just Better To Take the Stairs"


If you work in an office building, you that one of the busiest places—at least three times a day—is the elevator.  It’s busy first thing in the morning, at lunchtime, and quitting time.  Yet, it seems that no matter how busy the elevator gets, most of us don’t even consider the other option—taking the stairs

Why is that?  Well, for one thing, the stairs take time.  Taking the stairs is hard and requires effort. 

When we really think about it, there are a lot of benefits to taking the stairs.  Usually because everyone else is waiting on the elevator, the stairs hardly have any waiting time at all.  You can simply open the door to the stairwell and start climbing.   

You might be thinking, “Yeah, but what about the long, hard climb up—one step at a time?”  There’s benefit to that, too.  Taking those deliberate steps is essential in building the patience and strength we will need when we reach the top.  The easy elevator ride might get us to our destination quicker and without exerting much effort, but taking the stairs builds stamina.  

By now, you’ve probably guessed that I’m not just talking about physical benefits.  I believe there are spiritual principles that we can apply.  When we regularly take the stairs, we develop muscles that will serve us well during and long after the climb.  The lesson is:  Sometimes it’s just better to take the stairs.

The end of a thing is better than its beginning; the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit..”” Ecclesiastes 7:8

Prayer:  Father, please help us develop a “take the stairs” mindset as we follow You.  Help us become stronger, wiser, more equipped and more reverent in our walk with You.  We believe that when our patience is finally in full bloom, we will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete.  In Jesus’s Name.  Amen.


"Just Believe”


“Trust and Obey”