“Be Fruitful and Multiply”


When God created the Heaven and the Earth, he had a master plan in mind.  He was intentional and purposeful as he spoke into existence everything that fulfilled his plan.  He spoke the words and living things and non-living things emerged with each command; and he was pleased because it was all good. Our God had an even greater plan; with love and expertise, he got down into the dirt and created man in his image.  He didn’t say “let there be man and woman.”  Instead, our Most High God got down in the dirt and uniquely created man and woman as his masterpieces.  


Everything and everyone that God created was given the power to be productive.  As we look around, we see the mass production of all that God has made, both living and non-living.  How can you continue the production process that God has given each of us?  We have different concepts of what planting a seed entail.  For those who love playing in the dirt, we see plants growing from the soil, the result of a planted seed.  That’s awesome, but what about seeds that don’t produce trees?  Remember how Jesus cursed the Fig tree when it didn’t produce figs?  (Mark 11:12-14)  He cleared out the Temple in Jerusalem when it was being improperly used.  (Mark 11:15-17)  What seeds are we planting for God?


We may not all like planting seeds in the dirt, but there are ways we can all plant seeds that produce fruit and multiply.  Your warm smile can plant seeds of comfort and welcome.  Imagine how much a smile, a burst of laughter, or just a humorous giggle can warm a broken soul.  Did you know that we can plant seeds by the words that we speak to and about others?  Have you ever been able to talk an angry person to resolve an issue?  What seed can you plant to bring a sinner to Christ?  Can your loving and calm words soothe a crying child or adult?  As insignificant as these questions may be, the reality is that we plant seeds in every aspect of our lives, every day, whether verbal or non-verbal.  Each time you interact with, or encounter someone, you plant a seed of love, encouragement, growth, or inspiration by what you say or do.  You plant seeds when you teach, counsel, or empower others by recognizing that in Christ’s eyes, we are all valuable.  Stop making worldlike assumptions based on outward appearances.  The seeds we should all be planting, are good seeds.  We do so by being the light that luminates every time we approach others spreading like a virus.  Be the match that creates a burning love for others; it becomes contagious.  


Prayer: God, you uniquely created me to be fruitful and to multiply.  Guide me as I help others realize their God given uniqueness, values, and potential.  Let everyone I meet see Your love through me.  In Jesus’s Name, Amen.



“Celebrate You!”


“Beautiful You Are”