“Celebrate You!”

  1. Celebrate that you are different…that makes you intriguing.

  2. Celebrate your race… it brings more diversity to the world.

  3. Celebrate your loudness…we can hear your powerful words.

  4. Celebrate your quietness…you are always thinking of the right words to say.

  5. Celebrate your hair—its texture, length and color…it compliments your beauty.

  6. Celebrate your body—its type and size...it accentuates your beauty.

  7. Celebrate the beauty of being a good wife, mother, sister, friend, or colleague…it shows how God has entrusted you with many roles.


Prayer: Father, may we understand that our beauty shouldn’t come from the external, but that true and lasting beauty comes from within. Please help us to celebrate the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in Your sight. Amen.



“My Favorite Part of the Bible…Pt. 1“


“Be Fruitful and Multiply”