Position yourselves!


Women, position yourselves at the feet of Jesus to receive, “The Beauty of Holiness.” 

I remember working at the Post Laundry in 1986 at Ft. Jackson, SC and every time I would encounter a particular young lady at the laundry, she would say, “Here comes Holy Roller!”  It was like she would make the announcement to the other workers, letting them know “Holy Roller” was in the midst.  I would ponder on what she said and wonder why she would say this.  Because I was a young Christian, I did not know all the Bible terms and holiness was one of the terms among others.  However, later in life, I realized it was a compliment to be called a “Holy Roller.”

I love the story of Martha and Mary, in Luke 10:38-42.  You see, Martha and Mary were friends of Jesus.  From the scriptures, Martha positioned herself to receive Jesus as a guest in her house.  Mary apparently positioned herself at the feet of Jesus to receive…she positioned her heart to receive the truth of His word and the beauty of His holiness.  Martha was distracted about much serving and became upset that Mary was not helping her to prepare for the visitors.  She asked Jesus didn’t he care that her sister was not helping her? Jesus, answered and said “Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things, but “One thing is needful” and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”


Ladies, what we can take from this story is that Jesus cared for both Martha and Mary.  Remember, serving is important, too, but it does not take priority over sitting at the feet of Jesus, which is the “One thing that is needful” to receive the truth of God’s word in teaching us how to clothe ourselves with “The Beauty of Holiness.” The more we sit at Jesus’ feet like Mary, the more we will emulate the beauty of Holiness. 

Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness.” 1 Chronicles 16:29

Prayer:  Dear Lord, I pray for your daughters to put aside all distractions and to be intentional in doing “the One thing that is needful.”  That is to sit at your feet--in your presence--to receive all the truths from your word.  Teach them how to clothe themselves in “The Beauty of Holiness.” Impart in their hearts the purpose you have for your daughters and to fulfill the destiny you created for their lives.  Amen.


“His Rib…”

