“His Rib…”


"'At last!' the man exclaimed. 'This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called 'woman,' because she was taken from man.'' Genesis 2:23 NLT


I was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh.  One!  God recognized earlier that it was not good for my man to be alone (Genesis 2:18), so I became the helper from his own rib.


Women, God built us up from man’s rib, instead of "forming" us as He had done in shaping man from the dust.  Husbands and wives each bring unique and necessary characteristics to the family.  We have the capacity to know God, truth, beauty, and reason.  Together and separately, our existence is defined by our relationship with God.  Symbolically, this not only represents the intimate closeness of husbands and wives, but also our distinction from each other.



My husband and I stood for 21+ years as one, with the merging of bone and flesh.  Women, we have been built with all the abilities and qualities to HELP.  Walk gracefully and confidently in your role.  Never partners, but a sole proprietorship.


Key Takeaway:  Marriage has less to do with attraction and sex, but more to do with purpose and assignment.


“Kindness Matters“


Position yourselves!