

Life is a mystery we sometimes cannot comprehend. We spend countless hours, days, and years trying to understand things that have no meaning for us. The search for an answer has led me on the wrong path, a solitary path on which I find myself alone. Why do I often find myself feeling so alone when there are so many people in this world?


I tend to feed my loneliness with material things, but this can lead to excessive spending and financial debt. I tend to comfort myself by overindulging in the wrong foods and hate my body when I gain weight. I tend to share my problems with so-called friends who talk about my problems to others, and then I feel embarrassed when others stare at me. Do they stare at me, or are these my insecurities speaking to me?


We are sometimes our enemies...unable to overcome the insecurities that we sometimes create. We must overcome our desire to find temporary solutions which have no value. May God do His work in us. May we trust Him when the troubles of our lives seem to have no solutions. Get out of God's way and let Him do His work in you to help you overcome any problems you encounter today.


The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: Thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever: forsake not the works of Thine own hands.” (Psalm 138:8)

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Position yourselves!


Give Yourself Some Grace Today