Scripture Reading: Matthew 2:13-15
A few years ago, my siblings and I planned to have breakfast with my father for his 75th birthday. My plan was to pick up my daughter in Washington, DC, drive to my sister’s house for breakfast, and return home to Virginia the same day. On the way up, I repeatedly got the impression to call my father to see if he needed a ride to my sister’s house which is about 10 miles away. Ten miles through the city can translate to an additional 45 to 60 minutes of driving time.
I kept rationalizing in my mind why I could not do it. How would he get home if he did not drive himself? Would I need to take him back home? I planned to take a different route home than the way I drove to the area. My father is very independent and knows his way around the city and the country for that matter. He did not ask for a ride. It would have been a nice gesture on my part to pick him up. With the route I took to the city, it would have been very easy to swing by his place and get him. I told myself that he had probably left the house and was on his way. I overruled the gentle leading of the Holy Spirit.
When my daughter and I arrived at my sister’s house, my father was not there. When he finally arrived an hour or so later, we found out that his car was in the shop, and he caught three different buses and walked another three blocks to get to my sister’s house that morning. We pried that information from him when we did not see his vehicle. Talk about feeling awful. I did.
When the angel spoke to Joseph in a dream, Joseph did not vacillate between “what ifs.” He did not question the validity of the message or the messenger. He followed the angel’s instructions knowing that the message came from God. He arose, took Mary and the young Child and fled to Egypt in the middle of the night. He remained there until it was safe for him to return to his homeland. When God says, “Move,” move. When God says, “Stay.” stay.
When God reroutes your journey, there is no need to question or procrastinate. If His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, we can trust His leading. He sees around the corner, up the street, and into the future. We do not. If He leads us by way of a detour, we can follow without reservation, explanation, or retrospection. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We can trust Him.
Prayer: Father, please help me to recognize Your voice and obey without question.