Devotionals for Wednesday: May 11


As we study the Gospel, we pray for, anticipate, and expect spiritual growth in our lives. To facilitate this spiritual growth, we will use two components. One component is the commitment to attend the Wednesday Bible study from 7 pm-8:15 pm, either on campus in the Worship Center or via Livestream at The second component is a set of weekly devotionals that we complete prior to the Wednesday Bible study.

The questions listed below are for you to answer and reflect upon as you study the chapter for this week. We suggest that you take at least four or five days each week for this personal devotional.

Old Testament Stories that Speak to New Testament Believers

Week 15 Devotional

Consequences of Disobedience


Day 1 - Judges 2:1-2

Do some research on the city of Gilgal in Israel’s history.  What is important about it?

What does the word Bochim mean in English?

What is the significance of the Angel of the Lord moving from Gilgal to Bochim?


Day 2 - Exodus 23:31-33

For context, what is happening in Exodus chapters 20-40?

In Exodus 23:31-33, what is God telling Moses that He (God) will do?

In Exodus 23:31-33, what does God tell Moses the Israelites are NOT to do?


Day 3 - Judges 2:3

What did God tell the Israelites would be the consequence of their disobedience?

Have you ever experienced consequences for your disobedience to God’s commands or instructions?


Day 4 - Hebrews 4:11-12

What is one way God gives us His instructions or commands?

Reflect on your obedience to these instructions or commands.  Ask God to show you one area where you are walking in disobedience to these instructions.


Day 5 - John 14:26; John 16:13-15; 1 Corinthians 2:10-11

What is the second way God gives us His instructions and commands?

Reflect on your obedience to these instructions or commands.  Ask God to show you one area where you are walking in disobedience to these instructions.


Self-Reflection (Self-Examination)


How often do you practice self-examination – asking yourself how your actions and thoughts measure up against the standard we find for believers in Scripture and through His Holy Spirit “talks” with us. Self-examination is one spiritual practice that helps us mature into the “image of Christ” (Romans 8:28).  Some have suggested that each day we end the day with a self-examination.  What thoughts did I have, words did I say, or actions did I do that were not those that would reflect the “image of Christ”? Then a prayer asking God to help you change and what corrective actions do you need to do?  You may need to apologize to someone, or you may need to be mindful of this area of temptation and build up your defenses.


Devotionals for Wednesday: May 18


Devotionals for Wednesday: May 4