Gospel of John: Study Booklet


John, the beloved disciple, is the author of this gospel. The reason he wrote it is clearly stated in Chapter 20:31. "But these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you might have life in His name."


This study will examine this truth and show Jesus for who He is.  Creator, Word that became flesh, leader, barrier breaker, miracle worker, teacher, servant, and friend are aspects of Jesus on display in this gospel. 


We will examine and extract doctrinal truths, principles for living, and the definition of eternal life, among others. John will tell us and all his readers about who Jesus said He was. His equality with God is also on display.  He will feed the multitudes and wash the disciples' feet.  He will demonstrate His power over nature, sicknesses, diseases, and demonic powers.  We will see Jesus' power over death and His shepherding skills.   Jesus will fulfill prophecy and demonstrate true love.  He tells us of our future and His plan to comfort us.  He will challenge us to live a totally submitted life.  We get to hear His prayer for you and me.  Evidence of the power of His spoken words is presented.  We will visit the scenes of His arrest, trials, death, burial, and resurrection. 


And finally, we will see the heart of the Father to restore and empower those who follow Him.


Weekly Format


This study format is designed to draw the reader into the chapters to see Jesus for who He is. He is the Son of God, the Christ, of God. There are so many ways in which John articulated this fact. Therefore, we will consider the same set of questions each week to uncover this truth for ourselves.


There will be a verse to memorize each week. The bold of us may have the opportunity to recite it in the hearing of others each week.


We will study two chapters each week during this session. We will answer the same seven questions each week as well.


Question 1 will ask us what the main point of each chapter is. You will have the opportunity to share your discovery of the main point of each of the two chapters you will read weekly.


The Book of John is full of doctrinal truths. So, Question 2 will help us identify any belief or set of beliefs held taught by a Church, political party, or other group. We will identify the Biblical teachings of Christianity we come across during our study.


When we read the Bible, Holy Spirit will, at times illuminate or shine the light, on certain truths He wants us to see. Question 3 will help us capture those new or reinforced truths.


Question 4 asks us to examine how Jesus is depicted, shown, or pictured in the chapters we will read each week.


Question 5 simple asks us to identify any prophecy fulfilled.


Question 6 will take us on a deeper dive into the application of the verses we encounter. Since not all applications are universal, we can draw out spiritual principles to guide our thinking and behavior.


Question 7 is personal. It affords us the chance to reflect on what actions we should take in view of the truth we encounter.


Gospel of John


The Book of Revelation: Study Guide


Devotionals for Wednesday: April 19