“Never Stop Singing. Never Give Up Your Praise!”


S - Soulfully 

I - Indulge In His Word, and  

N- Never…  

G- Give Up Your Praise 

Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works. Psalms 105:2 


Psalms 105 encourages us to sing and talk of God’s wondrous works.  The psalmist wanted us to know to NEVER give up our praise, NEVER stop shouting, and NEVER stop singing about all the Lord has done!  He was teaching us to PRAISE GOD in advance because his wondrous works never stop.  God’s blessings NEVER cease, so why should our PRAISE?  


When we travel down to verse 3, the word reminds us to allow our hearts to rejoice!  No matter the season you may be going through, SING from the core of your soul.  Soulfully indulge in His word and NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR PRAISE!  Praise God in advance for all that he is going to do.  Ask me how I know?  I make this personal when the psalmist says in verse 11 that the Lord will give us (me) the land of Canaan as an inherited portion!  We are his anointed ones and woe to them that cause us any harm (verse 15).  


Allow God’s word to permeate your heart and manifest in your life!  SING, God’s people, and allow him to do the rest!! 


"God Knows, Follow Him"


“Beware of A Woman Who Has Time! ”