“He Makes Everything Beautiful In Its Time! ”


I was walking in my backyard when these out of season flowers caught my attention.  It was in the middle of November, and somehow these summer wildflowers managed to re-bloom!  Having grown up in New Jersey, The Garden State, most of my high school science classes consisted of Agriculture, Horticulture and Greenhouse management.  That along with my grandfather owning a nursery, I learned a lot about plants and flowers while growing up.  

One of the things I learned is plants can sometimes flower out of their normal season if they are stressed...especially if it's dry for awhile, and then suddenly, moisture and coldness show up.  Also, (depending on the plant) it can affect the bloom for the following spring since they are using that bud now—out of season.   

The Lesson:  When you are going through a "dry" period in your life, don't get overly confident at the first seemingly feel-good thing that comes along, that you jump and do something out of order.  

It’s probably safe to say we have all done this at some point, in some way.  Maybe you jumped on a quick money-making venture only to still end up broke.  Maybe you got out of one relationship and hopped right into another relationship with the first person that paid you attention.  The list can go on!  

When we are stressed, we can do things out of normal order.  If we are not careful, this can compromise the TIMING and VIABILITY of our bloom.  As a result, we learn an important lesson—prematurity can sometimes stunt a REAL growth opportunity

Learn to be aware of your surroundings.  Don’t let your environment cause you to move too quickly.  Tap into the free wisdom of the Holy Spirit to determine if you should move or be still.  

Sisters, wait on the Lord.  He makes EVERYTHING beautiful in its time! (Ecclesiastes 3:11) 

Prayer:  Father, help us to see ourselves as you see us.  Open our eyes that we may see the truth of what you have for us.  May we walk towards our calling in boldness and in the affirmation of your word given to us.  We give you thanks and praise.  All glory and honor belongs to you!  In Jesus name!  Amen 


"God Can Turn Your Ashes Into Something Beautiful “


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