“Use What You Have and Run Your Race!”


Oftentimes, we compare ourselves to other people or things.  It can become a race of competition.  It is important to be comfortable in who God has created you to be.  If not, you will never reach your full potential in which He has created you to be.   

God has an assignment for your life.  Trying to outdo someone, waiting for man’s approval, being seen on the world’s stage, outdressing someone or over performing in some way, are just a few of the unproductive ways the enemy can subtly use to distract you from your designed purpose.  

You don’t have to be doing something great for Him to use you.  In fact, you don’t have to possess this “great thing” for God to use it, or to make it great or greater.  He can use the simplest of things.  He has invested a specific talent(s)/gift(s) in you from the beginning of time.  

Look what David did with the sling shot in killing Goliath.  It could have possibly been something you or I may have used in our playtime as kids (1 Samuel 17).  Later, David eventually became a King.  He was skilled & trained in his craft.  Look at the young lad with the five barley loaves and two fish that fed the multitude (John 6:1-15).  

God can take the small things and make them great.  Remember… 

  1. He is in control. 

  1. He is about multiplication (it is His work and not ours). 

  1. Sacrifice and trust are required. 

Don’t compete in a race that you are not designed to be in.  Find your place in the race He has for you.  You may not be the fastest, the most talented, the most well dressed, the most beautiful, but you can fit perfectly in the place God has designed for you.  

You may not have a title, an office door sign with a name tag, or a high position, but in time, if you use what He has given to you, He will breathe on it and make it great for His glory!!! 

Prayer:  Father, help us to see ourselves as you see us.  Open our eyes that we may see the truth of what you have for us.  May we walk towards our calling in boldness and in the affirmation of your word given to us.  We give you thanks and praise.  All glory and honor belongs to you!  In Jesus name!  Amen 


“He Makes Everything Beautiful In Its Time! ”


“All You Need To Do Is Ask”