"You Can Find Strength in the Midst of Weariness"


Imagine walking along a long desert road, hot and tired, with little to no food or water trying to make it to your destination. I can see how one could easily collapse and succumb to these dire circumstances. This is how the Israelites must have felt as they journeyed from place to place, after being freed from bondage under Pharoah. Instead of being grateful, they bickered and complained to their leader, Moses because of their lack and uncomfortable environment. Yet, God was so gracious to provide and protect despite their complaints and disobedience. 

As children of God (His servants), we work hard for the church, our family, the community, etc.  At times, it may seem so wearisome and frustrating that we start to think “Is it worth it?” We may even want to throw up our hands and say, “I’m done!” 

But no, dear sisters, keep going!  

We may get tired of working for man, but never tire of working for the Lord. Of course, the body gets physically worn, but the Spirit man should always be willing. Just as God was with the children of Israel, He is with us today, taking us thru every step of the way. Our sufficiency is in Him and not of ourselves, so we operate in His strength and not our own.  

Next time you feel tempted to give up, think on this scripture: 

1 Cor.15:58 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 


PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I confess that I sometimes get weary laboring in your vineyard. However, thank you for the strength You give me to keep going because my reward is with You in my eternal home in Glory. Amen. 


“All You Need To Do Is Ask”
