Live to Adore and Worship Jesus


"Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him." (Matthew 2:2)


When a newborn baby is first observed in the arms of the mother, you will often hear “Aww, he/she is so adorable” even if the child is not so attractive.  Just the whole idea of seeing this fresh new life out of the womb can be so awe-inspiring.  Think of how the incarnate God, Jesus Christ our Savior, was miraculously born of the Virgin Mary on that glorious day which we now celebrate as Christmas.  Imagine how the wise men felt when they found him and began to worship.  When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.” (Matthew 2:10). Certainly, they were excited about this new King of the Jews who was born in Bethlehem.

Today, we too, can stand in joyful adoration of our Lord and Savior.  He was spirit, born in the flesh to show us that we can be reborn in the spirit—taking off that fleshly sinful nature.  He was born to die for our sins so we can live eternally in our heavenly home.  How can we not worship and adore Him?  The word ‘adore’ can also mean to regard with loving admiration and devotion. (Merriam-Webster).  In that case, it’s not just words spoken, but a lifestyle of devoting ourselves to God, the only one who can save us from our sins.

A stanza of this song can lead us into heartfelt worship:

Come, come let us adore Him

Kneel down before Him

Worship and adore Him

Emmanuel, we worship you!


PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, help us to never forget the real reason for this joyous season—the birth of your son, Jesus.  We hail Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Redeemer, and Savior forevermore.  Amen


Regardless of What He Says-She Says, Listen, Hear, and Obey the Voice of God 


"Whisper My Name”