"Your Beautiful Feet Are Made For More Than Walking!"


“And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things!”

(Romans 10:15 KJV)

Feet—One of the most used and essential parts of the human body. We stand, walk, run, stomp, jump and dance with them to say the least. Of course, after all that exposure, we love to frequent the salon to get our nice pedicures and relaxing foot massages to ease the tension. Yes, we must take care of our feet because they are used for so many things. However, are we using them for the glory of God??

Apostle Paul in Romans 10:15 speaks about how we can (and should) use our feet to spread the Gospel. Hmmm…that’s something many Christians may not think about. Consider this: When Jesus arose from the dead, the Angel of the Lord appeared to the women at the tomb. He told them to go tell the disciples that Jesus had risen and was indeed alive! And what did they do? They ran with their beautiful feet to share the glad tidings of joy. (ref. Matt.28:1-9)

Reflective Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to refrain from running here and there to spread gossip. Instead, I want to use my feet to glorify you by hastening to share the Gospel of eternal salvation through Jesus Christ. Amen.


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