“The One Who Holds Beauty Reflects Jesus”


The one who holds beauty is filled with love and compassion for others. 


The one who holds beauty sees others as more important than themselves.  


The one who holds beauty is quick to listen and slow to speak with an even-temper.  


The one who holds beauty encourages others rather than discourage them.  


The one who holds beauty is slow to anger and quick to forgive, for these taint the heart.  


The one who holds beauty gives others hope.  


The one who holds beauty is not loose with their words or entangled with gossip.  


The one who holds beauty intercedes for those who are for them and against them.  


The one who holds beauty gives to others in need and expects nothing in return.  


The one who holds beauty does not boast in themselves or their accomplishments, for they do not define them.  


The one who holds beauty is not lazy or procrastinates, but works diligently. 


The one who holds beauty gives wise counsel to those around them. 


The one who holds beauty accepts correction and discipline, for it strengthens them.  


The one who holds beauty does not lie, cheat, or steal, for these also taint the heart.  


The one who holds beauty is gentle and quiet in spirit.  


The one who holds beauty is filled with joy and laughter.  


Everyone is drawn to the one who holds beauty because of the One who lives inside—JESUS



“You Are Who He (God) Says You Are”
