“When We Know Better, We Do Better”


Have you ever wondered why people so often relish in the missteps and failures of others?  In John 8, a woman was brought to Jesus who was caught in adultery.  It is clear that she was wrong.  But here’s the thing, Jesus did not condemn her, He saved her. 


In essence, Jesus let her off the hook because according to Mosaic law, she actually deserved death.  However, He did not let her off the hook to go back to her old ways, but to live her new life in His grace and love.  A great lesson can be learned from what Jesus did.  Those who are lost don’t need condemnation—they need salvation.  Those of us who know Jesus, should follow His example.  So, let's do better—when we know better, we do better. 


And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”” John 8:11.


“…for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10


Prayer:  Father, please help us to not be so quick to condemn others because of their sin.  Help us to represent You well by speaking truth in love.  Help us to be Your light in this world so that those who are walking in darkness will find their way to You.  In Jesus’s Name.  Amen.


“Praise Looks Beautiful on You”


“Stay Low”