“God’s Bold is Beautiful and it is a Thing of Beauty”


Recently, I was asked to step outside my comfort zone, to stand in front—instead of behind—and speak at an event. Just the thought of speaking publicly brought on anxiety. I initially declined for what I believed good reason; “I’m an introvert. I don’t like speaking publicly. I prefer the background.” 


I didn’t identify it as fear. I talked to God about it and haggled with Him too about my druthers. “It’s just not my personality. I can if necessary, but I’d rather not. It’s too uncomfortable.” 


The Holy Spirit disagreed and spoke a convicting word, “You’ve got all these plaques that you behold with your eyes only; let your faith be bigger; Faith over fear; Fear is a liar and the enemy of faith. These truths need to take up residence in your heart. They’re not to be meaningless declarations displayed on a wall. Believe the words or remove the plaques; all of them. How long will you waiver? You can be hot or cold, but lukewarm will get you spit out. Don’t you know I didn’t give you that spirit?!”   


Bam!💥 There it was and I finally got it. I (God) did not give you that spirit!  For me, I saw it simply as a personality mismatch. But call it what I might, the Spirit revealed it for what it really was…fear and disobedience!  


I was trying to pick and choose how I was going to be used by God. Oh, I’ll do this, but not that. Disobedience!  I’m good one-on-one, but if you ask me to address a group, strangers, or more than a couple of people at a time, it’s a NO. Fear! 


It’s time to put on holy boldness. God has guaranteed He won’t go away from us or abandon us. I choose to believe His promise. It has been said that divine revelation is a connection to the will of God that cannot be perceived or known through reason. What I know for sure is…God’s bold is beautiful and His divine revelation, His imparted knowledge to His servants, is a thing of beauty.  


Prayer: Lord, help me to remember, you have commanded me to be strong and of good courage; not to be afraid, nor dismayed, for you, my God are with me wherever I go. And now, Lord, grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.  Amen. 


“Let Faith Have the Last Laugh”


“Don’t Let Yesterday Ruin Your Tomorrow!”