“Don't Let the Media Define Who You Are!!”






According to the Word, we were fearfully and wonderfully made by our Heavenly Father. (Psalm 139:14)  We should believe that “Beauty” is deeper than what we think, or what others think about us  as women. Your beauty has already been defined by God. That’s good news!!! 


It’s important to receive what is written in the Word of God.  It doesn’t matter what we glean from the media, social media, or even from people who we come in contact with daily.  God has designed us in such a way that others cannot define our beauty.  Let’s just choose to accept God’s handiwork in our lives and that what God made was good.  He fashioned us just the way He desired. So choose, on this day, to receive in your heart what is written in His Word.  Beauty is within and we need to rehearse the very words that are written about us. Believe the Word and do not doubt, then you shall have the peace of God, because He made us.  


Challenge:  Confess daily that you are beautiful and that you are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Lord!!   


Can You Stand to Be Pruned?


“Nourish Your Friendships”