“Nourish Your Friendships”





Maintaining good physical health requires proper nourishment.  The same applies to our friendships.  We must feed our friendships with the proper care and concern for them to flourish.  


My desire is that our Beautiful Women sisterhood community will thrive in every way.  Let’s ask ourselves, “How can I be a good friend?”  The acronym below is a good place to start.


S – Show up

I – (Be) Intentional

S – Share (a kind word, text or email)

T – Treat (your friends like you desire to be treated)

E – Encourage

R – Rally (around your friends)

H – Honor (your word)

O – Open (your heart to give and to receive)

O – Offer (a listening ear)

D – (Be) Devoted


“Don't Let the Media Define Who You Are!!”


“Let’s Get Happy!”