“Fall Represents Change”


Fall is my favorite season.  Often, we are mesmerized and get caught up in the beauty of the changing trees that we forget about what happens later in the season.  It doesn’t stop there--leaves weaken and fall. How and why do the leaves change from vibrant greens to autumn oranges and browns?  Without getting too deep into the scientific process, a reduced amount of chlorophyll and light that provide nutrients to the leaves start to diminish as the atmospheric temperature changes. 


As this relates to our lives, often we allow ourselves to be inundated by our failures, setbacks, or putting it plainly, LIFE.  We hold on to the pains of our past and in doing so, we block the nutrients (our blessings) that should feed our souls.  We can’t flourish this way and just like the leaves, we start to change colors.  People may see beautiful and mesmerizing colors veiled as Red Bottom shoes, shiny jewelry, fancy cars, vacation photos, and anything else that may smokescreen what is really going on.  The smokescreen can't last for too long because the natural process of one’s weakness is exposed by true colors.  

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 It is imperative for us to let go of the things that weaken us.  The process of letting go brings about maturity.  The FALL season represents changing from the immature to a mature state.  Allow the smokescreens to fall away and be transformed by God’s grace.  It is called change and growth.  Be blessed and truly enjoy this FALL season. 


“Let’s Get Happy!”

