“There is Beauty in the Voice of God”


When we think of beauty, we think of it as just an outward appearance, or the beauty that comes from within. While beauty can be these things, there is also beauty in the voice of God; we just need to take the time to listen.


Growing up, while my dad was away serving in Korea and Vietnam, my mother kept us in church. But as a young child I didn’t pay attention to what was being taught to me and just wanted to play.  I didn’t fully understand who God was at the time. As I entered my teen and adult years, I didn’t attend church, and was living a somewhat reckless life leading into abusive relationships. This is when it began happening! There was something missing in my life, this feeling was speaking to me strong…every day I would hear this voice telling me that something was missing, my life felt empty.  This went on for years and I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Then one day while I was sitting quietly at home wondering where life was leading me and not having any hope, a voice spoke to me “So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes from the word of Christ.”  At that moment my whole life began to change! Every day when I would hear that voice telling me that something was missing from my life, it was Him! It was God speaking to me, He was telling me that I needed Him in my life, that I needed to listen to His voice, to put my faith and trust in Him!



I am sharing this story because we can be so focused on what we perceive as beauty, but there is also beauty in the voice of God! He will speak to you; find a quiet place away from all the noise, clear your mind of the clutter of the day and just sit quietly, meditate, and listen. God will speak to you, and it will be the most beautiful voice you have ever heard!


Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for Him. (Psalm 37:7)


God’s voice will tell you that you are beautiful as you are: “For we are God’s masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10)”.


God’s voice will tell you the plans He has for your life: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11).”


God’s voice will tell you: “She is worth far more than rubies. (Proverbs 31:10).”


God loves you right where you are and if we take the time each day to unplug our ears, find a quiet place and listen… you will hear the most beautiful voice of God speaking to you. He wants you to listen: He wants to give you hope: He wants you to know you are loved, we just need to listen. When we listen for God’s voice, this is where our faith and hope come from.


This is my beauty tip for today:  Listen for the voice of God and our ears will open up to the beauty of His word.


Prayer:  Thank you, Jesus, for opening up my ears to your voice, for opening up my heart to your love, for saving me from a hopeless life through the sound of your voice, for showing me what faith and trust are about when I didn’t have any, for turning my deaf ear, and my life to you. You are our savior and our hope. In you we trust. Amen.




“Stay Low”