"God Is Girl Dad!”


#Girl Dad…a phrase and a movement made popular after the deaths of Kobi Bryant and his daughter Gianna. It refers to dads who have daughters and is often used to capture the love between them; such as was the case with Kobi and Gigi.   


This now mainstream term actually originated in the Bible with the ultimate Dad of dads, God. God is a “Girl Dad.” From Genesis to Revelation, God proves Himself to be just that. 


In Genesis, though His first girl disappointed Him, God still decided to use her to bring forth more girls; thus her name Eve, the mother of all living. (Genesis 3:20)  In Revelation, God symbolizes His love for His people by calling us collectively His bride (Revelation 18:23, 21:2, 9 and 22:17).  God is a “Girl Dad!” 


In between in the Gospels, we find more examples of God being a “Girl Dad.”  During this age, women did not have the same rights or esteem as the women of today, yet God does not shy away but rather pushes through the nonsense to protect and support His girls...He's a “Girl Dad!” 


The Samaritan woman was shunned by everyone; other women (because when we’re introduced to her, she was in her 6th male relationship), men and Jews in general.  But when Jesus comes to town, He breaks down all of the barriers and uses her as the 1st female evangelist, according to the Gospel of John, to spread the Good News. God is a “Girl Dad!” (John 4:39) 


A woman was caught in the act of adultery and brought before Jesus to be stoned according to the law.  Instead of condemning her, Jesus writes their dirty deeds on the ground for all to see. God is a “Girl Dad!” (John 8:1-11)  


Mary, Martha and Lazarus were three true friends of the Lord.  Lazarus dies while Jesus is away. When Jesus comes back to town, Martha confronts Him with her head and questions His supposed lack of judgment and concern. Jesus responds to her in love and with words and ideas that went over her head. Mary forgives His absence and worships Him. Jesus is so moved by Mary’s broken heart, until His heart breaks with her. It is at this point that we read the shortest verse in the Bible…Jesus wept. It’s interesting to note that Jesus does not weep until He sees Mary weeping (John 11:32-35). Girls have God’s heart and God has His girls’ hearts. God is a “Girl Dad!”  


The Bible is chock full of examples that God is a “Girl Dad!” He tenderly loved His girls in the Bible and He is tenderly loving His girls today.  Why don't you find out for yourself. He doesn't care how you come to Him...with your head, heart, or in the midst of being caught in a sinful act; just come to Him and experience the care that is provided by a “Girl Dad!” 


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