"Rest Like None Other Can Be Found in Jesus "


“In the world you find distress; If you look within you become depressed; In Jesus you find rest.” 

This is a paraphrase of a quote from Corrie ten Boom.  Corrie was a devout Dutch Christian during the early 1900’s who shared the love of Christ and helped many Jews escape the Holocaust during World War II.  I would say that Corrie knew a little bit about what she was talking about.  In her mission, I’m sure she had plenty of opportunies to experience distress and depression had she looked to the world or within herself.  Corrie looked to Jesus and the words of her quote still stand relevant today.  

We absorb the world-wide news because we want to be in the know. However, what we consistently feed on is what we become.  The news is distressing, and so often we become distressed.  Sometimes we worry and focus too much on our flaws, our challenges, and our abilities.  The focus is within, and so often we become depressed.  The antidote is to put our minds and affection on things above and not on the things of this earth (ref. Col.3:2).  

Yes, it is easy to get so caught up in everyday life that we become wearied.  There is good news…Rest Like None Other Can Be Found in Jesus.  Look at what Jesus says in Matthew 11:28 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”  Let’s keep ourselves immersed in God’s Word so we can receive refreshing healing and rest needed for the body, mind, and spirit. 


Prayer: Jesus, I know you are there when I need you most. In you I can find peace, comfort, and joy. Thank you, Lord, for being rest for my wearied soul. Amen. 


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