Devotionals for Wednesday: February 16


As we study the Gospel, we pray for, anticipate, and expect spiritual growth in our lives. To facilitate this spiritual growth, we will use two components. One component is the commitment to attend the Wednesday Bible study from 7 pm-8:15 pm, either on campus in the Worship Center or via Livestream at The second component is a set of weekly devotionals that we complete prior to the Wednesday Bible study.

The questions listed below are for you to answer and reflect upon as you study the chapter for this week. We suggest that you take at least four or five days each week for this personal devotional.

Old Testament Stories that Speak to New Testament Believers

Week 5 Devotional


Day 1 – Read Jonah 1:1-9

1.     Why did Jonah go to Tarshish?

2.     Where was Jonah ordered to go?

3.     What made the mariners afraid?

4.     What does Jonah say of himself?

Day 2 – Read Matt 12:39-41

1.  What do think Jesus meant about the sign of Jonah?

Day 3 – Read Jonah 1:10-17

1.     How did the men know Jonah fled from the presence of the LORD?

2.     Why do you think Jonah asked to be thrown into the sea?

3.     What did God do after the sea became calm?

Day 4 – Jonah 2:1-10

1.     What is the belly of Sheol?

2.     What do you think of Jonah’s prayer and declaration?

Day 5 – Read Jonah 3:1-10

1.     Has God ever told you to do the same thing twice?

2.     How did the people of Nineveh respond to Jonah’s message?

3.     What was the message from Jonah?


Self-Reflection (Self-Examination)

Sometimes our biases affect our obedience.  We can see that in the response Jonah had to the LORD’s direction to go to Nineveh and cry out against it.  Jonah knew the LORD as a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness.  Since Jonah hated the Ninevites, he did not want the mercy of the LORD to be extended to them. Jonah went from disobedient, to repentant, to obedient, to downright mad.  His motivation to preach the word of the LORD lacked any compassion because of his disdain for the people of the land of Nineveh.  Even though Jonah’s motivation was impure, and he was angry with God, Jesus uses him as an example to the religious leaders of His day.  They asked Him for a sign and Jesus told them no sign would be given them but the sign of Jonah who was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights. What do you think about that?


Devotionals for Wednesday: March 16


Devotionals for Wednesday: February 9