Devotionals for Wednesday: December 15


As we study the Gospel, we pray for, anticipate, and expect spiritual growth in our lives. To facilitate this spiritual growth, we will use two components. One component is the commitment to attend the Wednesday Bible study from 7 pm-8:15 pm, either on campus in the Worship Center or via Livestream at The second component is a set of weekly devotionals that we complete prior to the Wednesday Bible study.

The questions listed below are for you to answer and reflect upon as you study the chapter for this week. We suggest that you take at least four or five days each week for this personal devotional.


Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus

Week 3 Devotionals


Day 1

Read: Genesis 3:15

What does the phrase “And you shall bruise His heel” prophesy about the Messiah? Who is the “you” in this phrase?

What does the phrase “He shall bruise your head” prophesy about the Messiah? Who is the “He” in this phrase?


Day 2

Read: Isaiah 53:4-5

What do these verses prophesy about the Messiah?


Day 3

Read: 1 Peter 2:24-25

How does Jesus fulfill the above prophecies with spiritual blessings? List the spiritual blessings.

Read: Ephesians 1:3-7

How does Jesus fulfill the above prophecies with spiritual blessings? List the spiritual blessings.


Day 4

Read: Ephesians 2:4-10

How does Jesus fulfill the above prophecies (Day 1 and 2) with spiritual blessings? List the spiritual blessings.


Day 5

Read: Matthew 8:16-17

How does Jesus fulfill the above prophecies (Day 1 and 2) with physical blessings? List the physical blessings.


Devotionals for Wednesday: January 5


Devotionals for Wednesday: December 8