Devotionals for Wednesday: February 3

– Mark 8:1-13

  1. What was the disciples’ response when Jesus told them the crowd was hungry?

  2. What was Jesus’ response to the disciples when they asked how can they feed them? Have you ever had a “how can" moment?

  3. What was the lesson learned in feeding the four thousand without known provisions?


– Mark 8:14-21

  1. Jesus asked the disciples why they do not understand. What was the issue?


– Mark 8:22-30

  1. What was Peter’s response to Jesus’ question, “Who do men say I am?”


– Mark 8:31-38

  1. Why did Jesus rebuke Peter in Mark 8:33?

  2. What was Jesus telling the disciples in Mark 8:35? How does that apply to you?


Devotionals for Wednesday: February 10