Devotionals for Wednesday: March 31


As we study the Gospel of Mark, we pray for, anticipate, and expect spiritual growth in our lives. To facilitate this spiritual growth, we will use two components. One component is the commitment to attend the Wednesday Bible study from 7 pm-8:15 pm, either on campus in the Worship Center or via Livestream at The second component is a set of weekly devotionals that we complete prior to the Wednesday Bible study.

The questions listed below are for you to answer and reflect upon as you study the chapter for this week. We suggest that you take at least four or five days each week for this personal devotional.


Day 1

Mark 15:1-15 – Jesus Before Pilate

1.     What was the custom at the Feast?  Who stirred up the crowd to have Barabbas released?

2.     What did the crowd want Pilate to do to Jesus?

3.     What question did Pilate ask the crowd?

4.     Why did Pilate agree?

Mark 15:16-32 – The Crucifixion of Jesus

1.     What did the soldiers do to Jesus?

2.     What happened to Jesus at the place called Golgotha?

3.     What did those who passed by do to Jesus?

4.     What did the chief priests and teachers of the law do to Jesus?


Day 2

Mark 15:33-41 – The Death of Jesus

1.     What happened at the sixth hour?

2.     What happened at the ninth hour?

3.     What happened to the curtain in the temple?  What did this signify?

4.     What did the centurion say?

5.     Who was watching from a distance?


Day 3

Mark 15:42-47 – The Burial of Jesus

1.     What did Joseph of Arimathea ask?

2.     What did he do with the body of Jesus?

Mark 16:1-8 – The Resurrection of Jesus

1.     What did the three women find when they went to the tomb?

2.     What did the young man dressed in white tell them?


Day 4

Mark 16:9-20 – The Risen Jesus Appears to Many

1.     To whom did Jesus appear first?  When she told the followers of Jesus about His resurrection what was their response?

2.     To whom else did Jesus appear?

3.     Why did Jesus rebuke the Eleven when He appeared to them?

4.     What was Jesus’ command to them?

5.     What signs were to accompany those who believe?

6.     What did the disciples do after Jesus was taken up into heaven? 


Devotionals for Wednesday: April 7


Devotionals for Wednesday: March 24