Devotionals for Wednesday: March 10


As we study the Gospel of Mark, we pray for, anticipate, and expect spiritual growth in our lives. To facilitate this spiritual growth, we will use two components. One component is the commitment to attend the Wednesday Bible study from 7 pm-8:15 pm, either on campus in the Worship Center or via Livestream at The second component is a set of weekly devotionals that we complete prior to the Wednesday Bible study.

The questions listed below are for you to answer and reflect upon as you study the chapter for this week. We suggest that you take at least four or five days each week for this personal devotional.


Day 1
Mark 12:1-12 – The Parable of the Tenants

1.     Who does the owner of the vineyard represent in this parable?  Who do the tenants represent?  Who does the son of the owner of the vineyard represent?

2.     What happens to the son of the parable?

3.     Why does Jesus quote Psalm 118:22-23 in Mark 12:10-11?

4.     Who is “they” in Mark 12:12?

Day 2

Mark 12:13-17 – Paying Taxes to Caesar

1.     Why did the Pharisees ask the question about paying taxes to Caesar?

2.     What was Jesus’ response to their question?

3.     How should we apply that response to today?


Day 3

Mark 12:18-27 – Sadducees Ask Question about Marriage in the Resurrection

1.     Why would it have been hypocrisy for the Sadducees to ask a question about marriage in the resurrection?

2.     What was Jesus’ response?

3.     Why did Jesus point out to the Sadducees that God is a God of the living, not the dead?


Day 4

Mark 12:28-34 – The Two Greatest Commandments

1.     What is the greatest commandment?

2.     What is the second greatest commandment?

3.     Why did Jesus respond that the teacher was not far from the Kingdom of God?


Day 5

Mark 12:35-40 – Punishment for False Teachers of the Law

1.      Why would the teachers of the law be punished most severely?


Day 6

Mark 12:41-44 – The Widow’s Offering

1.     What was Jesus’ praise for the widow’s offering?

2.     How can we apply that to our lives today?


Devotionals for Wednesday: March 17


Devotionals for Wednesday: March 3