Devotionals for Wednesday: February 17

Mark 10:1-12

1. What is Jesus’ teaching on divorce? Also see Matthew 19:1-9

2. Why did Jesus say that Moses permitted divorce?

Mark 10:13-16

1. Why did Jesus say that everyone must receive the Kingdom of God as little children?

Mark 10:17-31

1. Why did Jesus tell the rich ruler that he had to sell whatever he had?

2. Why did Jesus say that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of needle than a rich man to

enter the Kingdom of God?

3. What is Jesus’ promise to those who have given up earthly possessions for His sake?

Mark 10:32-34

1. What does Jesus tell the disciples about His future?

Mark 10:35-45

1. What did James and John ask Jesus and what was Jesus’ response?

2. How did the other disciples react?

3. What was Jesus’ teaching to the disciples about those desiring to be first? How does that apply

to my life?

Mark 10:46-52

1. How persistent was Bartimaeus about getting Jesus’ attention?

2. What did Jesus tell Bartimaeus about his faith?


Devotionals for Wednesday: March 3