Promises Are Meant To Be Kept


When a promise is made by someone, we hold them accountable and expect them to make that promise good by following through.  We take them at their word.  Better yet, what do we do when God has made a promise to us, things change and are seemingly not going as we had hoped?  Do we expect Him to follow through, or do we give up on the promise? 


I am confident it was a challenge for Abraham to offer up his promised son, Isaac, as a sacrifice.  After all, God had promised to make Abraham a father of many nations and Isaac, played an important role in this promise being fulfilled.  Is what God is asking of us too heavy of a commitment?  Do we want more facts and details before we commit?  What is your and my “Isaac” that we are holding on to?


Read the story of Abraham’s faith being confirmed in Genesis 22.


Lessons we can learn:

·      Obey and follow through without all the details.

·      Speak the truth in the midst of the contradictions and believe what God says will come to pass.

·      We may not know how it will work out but God will provide.

·      Don’t forget your yesterdays and how God provided.

·      He is Jehovah Jireh, our provider – our provision.

·      Pass the test and recognize/see it in the distance.

·      There is a ram in the bush for you and me.


Prayer:  Father, we come to you with a grateful heart.  We know as your word declares that you always have our best interest at heart.  Help us to lean not to our own understanding but to trust you in all of our ways.  We thank you for the provisions of yesterday, today, and forevermore!  In Jesus’ name...Amen


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