“The Beauty of Life is Having Somebody to Share it With”


When I reflect on my life, I smile because of one constant: my best friend.  I can think of many situations where I was blessed to have a special friend to share life’s challenges with.  Whether it was the loss of my parents; personal illness; financial hardship; or when I went in the wrong direction, my best friend’s soothing words directed me back to God.  When I needed to talk to someone at whatever time of day or night, she was the person I could depend on.  No complaining.  No ignoring.  No sharing the private things we talked about.  Simply a smile that silently said, “I Got YOU.” 


God knew I would need someone to help me through these difficult moments...and I'm happy, he blessed me with a beautiful and wonderful best friend. 


Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Psalms 133:1 


The Beauty of Giving


“Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff“