“Sometimes You Just Have To Obey”


Last week, Kariss Farris posted about her daughter, Ellie.  Her post had such a great message; I asked Kariss’s permission to share it with you.  Enjoy…Lori Ricks 


“Ellie is bold, forthright, logical and a deep thinker. So, when she asks me a question and doesn't get the answer she prefers, it's a big to do. There are questions coupled with her own thoughts and logic she's formulated in her child mind. She asks...then asks again, she is persistent to say the least. She tells me her own thoughts, tries to come up with compromises and, at times, attempts to question and challenge my own adult mindset, way of thinking and decision making. 


Depending on what the matter is, I may take time to give her understanding. But many times, I know that even if I were to try to give understanding, it would fall on deaf ears. So, I typically default to this answer... "Ellie, I am your mother. I will make decisions for you that you will sometimes not understand, that's my job because I can see things you can't. Sometimes, we can talk about it, sometimes you just have to obey. My answer is not changing. I love you, obey." 

Yesterday when repeating this little phrase, God punched me in my throat 😂. I am currently in a bold, forthright, logical and deep thinking conversation with God and have received NO answer. In that moment, God showed me who I am, His child, acting just like Ellie trying to get my way through logic.  


When we don't receive an answer, could it be that God is saying... "If I tried to explain, you wouldn't understand..so obey." God can see things we could never, and how great because we have him as our Father! Obedience bridges the gap. If you say you trust Him, trust Him. If you say you have faith, have faith! Sometimes the answer is obedience. No amount of education or human flawed logic will help out of the rock steady that is God's truth. Obey Him.” 


“Find Joy“


“Nothing is Impossible”