“Don’t Compare Yourself to Others”


God created each of us uniquely.  Can you imagine a world where every person looks alike, has the same personality, or even dresses exactly alike?  How boring would that be!  Even leaves on a tree, petals on a flower, and blades of grass are each unique.  Imagine if they were all the same color--how dull the world would be! 


No, this is not how God planned His creation.  He fills the world around us with a kaleidoscope of colors that are unique and pleasing to the eye--His blessing to us. He gives us seasons, no two alike.  And as His most prized creation; we are each uniquely designed and molded into a beautiful creation by His hands.  We each have a purpose and a gift--not to be like anyone else--but for the purpose He created.


So, don’t compare yourself to others.

You are beautiful.  You are unique.  You are precious.  You are God’s creation.


Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.


James 1:18 (NLT)

He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word.  And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.


Prayer:  Dear Father God, teach me to be comfortable with who I am.  Help me to know that you created me unlike anyone else so that I can fulfill the purpose you have for my life.  Help me to understand that comparing myself to others pushes me away from being who You created me to be.  Help me to understand that my real beauty shines brightest from who I am on the inside.  Help me to be the light that draw others closer to you.  You are my Savior and my Lord, all praise belongs to you.  Amen.


“Nothing is Impossible”


Can You Stand to Be Pruned?