His Masterpiece
As women, we wear many hats and oftentimes we find ourselves juggling multiple things throughout our day by multitasking. In all our doing, we may stop to ask ourselves if there is anything of real significance happening in our lives. We may question if God is near. Does He see me? Does He hear me? Has our time for God’s purpose to be fulfilled in my life run out? When we finally take a moment to sit down to reflect and look at ourselves in the mirror, we may even begin to question what we see.
I’ve discovered that you can’t tell what is really in you by just looking at you. In doing so, we see all our faults and shortcomings. However, He looks beyond our faults and sees His need – His need for us to fulfill His purpose for us in the Earth. Begin to see yourself in the lens of our Savior—how He sees you. You are a masterpiece being developed by Him. He wants to put quality, steadfastness, and character into you before you come on the scene. He is getting you ready for something great. Yes, even from the most obscure places, doing the mundane things of life, He sees and knows where you are.
Rev. Decorious Vines
Moses was shoveling sheep dung on the backside of the desert before being sent to the lost sheep of Israel. Abraham and Sarah were in their old age longing for/awaiting a child before Abraham finally became the Father of nations. You are being prepared for greatness! God is not bound by time or circumstances. Be encouraged that He is building a foundation that will stand the tests of time. Scripture tells us in Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”
Submitted by: Rev. Decorious Vines