Beauty is in the Eye of the Creator
You may have heard this popular expression before. It says that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But, I’d like to encourage you to look at beauty a little differently. Instead, consider that beauty is in the eye of the Creator.
Do you believe that? That beauty is defined by the maker of all things? Do you believe that you were created by the Father of lights for his own good pleasure? Indeed, you are a work of art before the Lord. He considers you his great masterpiece; His fine creation, made to delight in Him and to be delighted in.
Daughters of God, the most beautiful sight in the eye of our Creator is a heart that yearns for Him. God seeks that all men and women pursue Him with a humble heart. Beauty is evident by that heart, the one which desires to be pleasing before the Lord.
Leah Rucker
Let this be our prayer:
“Thank you God, that I am your masterpiece! You saw me before I was born and you declared me beautiful. Help me to recognize that I am so. I pray that you would renew in me a steadfast spirit. Teach me to value and seek beauty in the way that you define it. Let my validation come from you. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart please you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”