You Are A Person of Purpose
Women have a built-in desire to want to be pampered and loved on. This is a natural instinct.
In fact, taking the time to occasionally treat oneself is good for self-morale.
Going to the spa, getting our nails, feet, and hair done, taking a trip to the mall to purchase something nice for ourselves, or a trip away from the hustle and bustle of life are just a few ways we may choose to pamper and encourage ourselves.
Some may classify these acts of self-care as superficial, a waste of money and time, selfish and self-centered.
Nonetheless, they are important.
Rev. Decorious Vines
There are also moments when others will do something special for us.
In these moments, their acts of kindness reflect their opinion about us. In some way, we feel affirmed or validated, which is okay. The concern is when the gifts and the attention are not there anymore, how does it leave you feeling about yourself? Is your self-esteem and worth dependent on what they think or do for you?
While receiving affirmation from others is both healthy and important in the proper place, everything must be done in moderation.
It is okay to be comfortable in your own skin by taking care of yourself as well as receiving from others; however, you must be careful not to conform or be influenced by the opinions of others to dress you in a particular fashion such that you lose sight of self.
When the gifts stop coming do you feel lonely, dissatisfied, and unfulfilled?
When you are unable to pamper yourself in the manner in which you desire, how does it make you feel?
Are you affirming who you are as a child of the King according to what He says about you, what others think, or what you think about yourself?
We must always remember that what God says about us is central to our purpose and it’s what matters most!
Take the time to discover what He says about you today! Remember, you are predestined:
“…in whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will.” Ephesians 1:11
—Reverend Decorious Vines